Are you looking to join a league at Old Avalon in 2024? Old Avalon has added seven new leagues since the end of 2019. Playing in a league is a great way to spend time with friends and get some exercise as well.
Below is the league names and contact information if you have an interest in competing. All leagues are 9 holes. Field days are typically 18 holes.
Women’s Leagues
Hi Hopes Golf League
Start time is 9:00AM in May, 8:30AM beginning in June. League runs from the beginning of May until early September. Contact the course at 330-856-1063 to join.
Thursday Morning League at Old Avalon
Start time is 9:00AM. League runs from early May until early September. Contact Mary Ann Razum at 330-540-0722 to join.
Men’s Leagues
High Point Golf League
League begins play at 4:00PM on Monday afternoons. Contact Dan Baughman at 330-647-2242 if you are interested in playing.
Men’s Church Golf League
League starts at 5:30PM with a shotgun start. Contact David Utterback at 330-979-1973 to join.
Old Avalon Tuesday Night Mixed Format League
Start time is 4:30PM. This league has random formats that rotate from week to week. Formats include 1 better ball of 2, individual head-to-head, and scramble. Contact Gary Rouzer at 330-307-5113 or email at [email protected]. Click here for the league information web page.
Friendship League
Start time is 5:00PM. League runs from the first week in May until the first week in September. Contact Jeff McCormick at 330-307-5523.
Wednesday Night League sponsored by Rob Martin’s Allstate Insurance
Start time is 4:30 (front 9) and 4:45 (back 9). League runs from late April until mid-September. Contact Richard Yannucci at 330-719-7775.
Two Man Best Ball League
Start time is 4:30PM. League runs from late April through September. Contact Jim Tiggett at 330-856-2291 or Scott Karabin, PGA at Old Avalon 330-856-1063. League cost is $50 per person. Click the link for more information. Two Man Best Ball League
Friday Morning Golf League
Start time is 9AM. Two person scramble league. 9 holes each week, alternate front and back nines, 100% handicap. League is tentatively looking to start play on Friday May 3rd, 2024. To register your team or any questions contact Rob Scott at 330-519-9533 or the clubhouse at 330-856-1063. League meeting for 2024 is scheduled for Friday April 19th at 9AM in the clubhouse at Old Avalon. Click for more information. 2-Person Scramble League