5 events found.
Junior Golf Program Week 1
Introduction to golf, safety, learning the clubs, grip, stance, first swings
Wednesday, June 5th
9:00am to 12:30pm for Ages 6 to 17
Junior Golf Program Week 2
Short and Middle Irons
Wednesday, June 12th
9:00am to 12:30pm for Ages 6 to 17
Old Avalon Rebranding
Join Us For the Re-branding of Old Avalon Golf Course!
Our Grand Opening Celebration - Saturday June 15th
Junior Golf Program Week 3
Hybrids and Fairway Woods
Wednesday, June 19th
9:00am to 12:30pm for Ages 6 to 17
TaylorMade Golf & Tour Edge Demo Day
We have booked an exclusive fitting experience on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19th, 2019 from 2-6pm at our course, where all golfers will have the opportunity to go through a custom club fitting, the same way Tour pros do!